Aloha! My name is John Michael A. Billon and I'm a visual artist that focuses on providing quality storytelling through video and photography. My drive, my passion, my inspiration comes from my family and my kids. If I can replicate the joy and happiness that I get when I capture those photographic moments, then it's one more experience I get to share and hope to pass on. Through these moments, I came up with my business name. Well, that and the fact that my last name when people read it, immediately see billion. I just laugh and tell them, “Not yet, but I’m working on it!” As for my business name Billion2ONE Productions, I incorporated the idea of there being billions of stories to tell but just one opportunity to capture it. What’s your story? Whether it be through weddings or other events let’s work together and find out!

John Michael A. Billon
Billion2ONE Productions LLC